for Failing To Do The Impossible.
Stop Hating Yourself
It’s actually impossible to bake all the muffins; be there for all the people including the kids you’re trying to raise into amazing humans; have a house, bod, home-cooked meals and wardrobe that are social media-worthy; slay a lucrative and fulfilling career; care for your aging parents; and have a loving, supportive, date-filled relationship with your partner.
Once you figure that out, you're well on your way to having it all. I'm living proof. I'm not just an award-winning author, motivational speaker, and successful entrepreneur. I'm also a pretty damn good wife and mom who spends quality time with her family and friends, who regularly laughs and loves, and who regularly gets eight hours of sleep…in a row.
Did I get this life by pleasing everybody, putting up with other people’s bull, and staying up late frosting cupcakes? Heck no. In this book, I will teach you the soul-awakening inner shifts I've used—and taught scores of women—that will transform your mental landscape, help you become your best self, and create the life you deserve.
"Romi has done it again! In this book she gives women permission (and a loving kick in the ass) to say NO to what drains them so they can say YES to what matters most—their own goals and dreams."
Cara Alwill Leyba, author of Girl Code and host of Style Your Mind podcast
You'll learn how to
Zone in on what really matters to you, so you can ditch everything that isn't serving your dreams.
Ditch toxic relationships and the soul-sucking drama that accompanies them.
Recognize and embrace your true worth as a provider, partner, and all-around kickass human.
Stop feeling like an imposter in your own life.
Say NO to extra work, a dinner party when you don’t want to change out of your PJs, and PTA meetings.
Create habits that protect your time and energy.
Establish boundaries that stick with coworkers, friends, and family.
Kick fear (of not being lovable, pretty, or good enough) to the curb once and for all.
Order Your Copy Now

I'm a former corporate chick (first a lawyer, then a PR executive) who traded in the billable hour to become an entrepreneur. I've figured out how to juggle being a wife, mom, a professional success, and a healthy human without losing my mind. I call BS on the somewhat debilitating condition women continually face called “unrealistic expectations." I'm on a mission to help all of us live a fulfilled, authentic life without feeling stressed, exhausted and inadequate—to Have It All. My best-selling first book, Get Over Your Damn Self: The No-BS Blueprint to Building a Life-Changing Business, received a Gold Award from the Nonfiction Authors Association.
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