This is a pic of me jumping off the side of a boat in the South of France in my bikini. I posted it on social media because I thought it was the perfect image to celebrate how nine-years ago I took a big leap and started my own business.
I couldn't believe how many notes I got saying “atta girl” or “you're so brave” or “I wish I was confident enough to do that”. Well, it wasn’t always the case.
I used to be so concerned about what I looked like, but age and illness has given me so much gratitude for my strong body, that I no longer agonize over any sags, pooches, scars or cellulite. My goal every day is to put good whole food in my bod, get at least 20 minutes of exercise and appreciate this strong, resilient vessel I've been given.
I want you to be brave and confident and tell yourself “atta girl.” To be free from the worry that we’re not thin enough or smooth enough or look enough like the carefully curated, filtered and photoshopped pics we see on social media.
So I dare you to post a pic of yourself in your swimsuit this summer. This pic I shared wasn't about my suit or the bod in it. It was about joy. Pure Joy. Let's all pledge to have more joy in our swimsuits and our birthday suits. Because we're all beautiful.